Maple Leaf Lump Charcoal       Home       Lump Review Index      

Quick Stats
Date Of Review: July, 2002
Date Of Last Update: December, 2007
Purchased From: Complimentary from Laralee, Inc.
Date Purchased: 7/10/2002
Price: $15.00
Weight: 17.64 pounds
Burn Time:
Ash Production:
Type of Wood: Beech, Maple, Yellow Birch
Strange Material?: None
Scrap Lumber Pieces?: None
Smell: Heavenly, mild smoke
Country of Origin: Canada

Quick Links
Other Information: Click Here
Unusual Or Unique Statements: Click Here
Statements From The Bag: Click Here
Lighting Instructions: Click Here
Photos of Contents: Click Here
Other Photos: Click Here
Photo of UPC Code: Click Here
Contact Information: Click Here

Rate And Comment On This Charcoal: Click Here


A distributor contacted us and offered us a complimentary bag of Maple Leaf to have for our review. Wow! This stuff is great! This is our new favorite brand, and it's going to take a real hell of a charcoal to change that. The smell when you start it burning is heavenly. There is absolutely no scrap in the bag whatsoever, and I'd estimate that 80% or more of the bag is reasonably-sized pieces. Yeah, it's a bit pricey with shipping, but this is truly a case of "you get what you pay for." Without a doubt, the best lump of all the brands we have tried, which includes all of the brands you see in the Lump Database.

Update: Unfortunately, to our knowledge, Maple Leaf Charcoal is no longer sold in the U.S. Also, since we wrote this review (one of the first), we have become aware of the fact that the consistency on the size of the pieces of lump can vary wildly. We opened one bag that was 80% very small pieces, while others were great. As a result we have revised our rating and now give it our Recommended rating.

To the left is the rating that our readers have given this charcoal. Now that you have read our review, if you have used this charcoal and would like to rate it and leave your comments, Click Here

To view reader ratings of all brands, Click Here.

Other Information

The following information was provided to us by the distributor:
"Maple Leaf Charcoal is made up of a combination of three woods: Beech, Maple and Yellow Birch. The briquettes are the by-product of the lump, and only a wheat paste is used as the binder. There is some great information on our website about how the charcoal is made."

Unusual or Unique Statements


Statements From The Bag

"100% Hardwood", "Made Especially For Bar-B-Q And Steak Specialty", "Broiling Rotisserie"

Lighting Instructions


Photos Of Contents

This is the contents of the bag. Those are 1 inch squares on the measuring bar.

This is the lump from the top of the bag.

This is the lump from the bottom of the bag.

Here are the larger pieces we found in the bag.

Other Photos

This is how the bags arrived.

Photo of UPC Code

Here is a photo of the UPC code on the bag:

Contact Information

Maple Leaf does not sell to the public, however, if for some reason you wished to contact them, their phone number on the bag is (418) 329-2977.

To our knowledge, Maple Leaf Charcoal is no longer sold in the U.S.

About This Review

If you are unfamiliar with our testing procedures, you may wish to read How We Review Lump Charcoal before reading this review. Also, you can read How We Score Lump Charcoal to learn about our scoring system.

Prices listed in our reviews are current as of the date of the review. We do not attempt to keep these prices current.

The conclusions and final rating given any charcoal are based upon the opinion of the author. We recommend that you use our rating only as a guide. You should read the entire review and decide what is important to you in making any buying decision.

Performance ratings are designated with stars, 1 star being the worst and 5 stars being the best:

= Performance is Far Below Average
= Performance is Below Average
= Performance is Average
= Performance is Above Average
= Performance is Far Above Average

Images which can be viewed at a larger size have a small magnifying glass icon at the bottom right corner. Click on the icon to display the image in a new larger window. If you wish to ensure that you are seeing photographs the same way that we are seeing them, we recommend that you calibrate your monitor to a PC-normal gamma of 2.2. You should be able to see the difference between blocks A, B and C below, as well as the difference between blocks 3, 4 and 5.


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