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Needless to say this is all bullshit.....
Cupertino, California --
Today, stunned Apple executives met in an emergency secret session to reconsider the name given to Apple's new tablet computer, curiously named the iPad.
Rumors were swirling today that Steve Jobs was visibly shaken by the reaction to the new device's name. After Mad TV released its satirical video showing a white
wire connected to a laptop disappearing up a woman's skirt, Apple's board of directors unanimously called for
the extraordinary secret session to consider Steve Job's future role at Apple as well as to come up with a new name for the device. Apple has not made an official
announcement, but an Apple insider claims the new name is to be announced tomorrow morning. Speaking under condition of anonymity, the Apple insider stated
that rumors flying within the company indicate the device will be renamed the "iTowel".
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