Editing Cooks: If you click on the link to edit your cook, you will get a screen like this:
where you can give the cook a title and record notes. If you click on the "Cook History" link, you will see a list of your cooks from the last 90 days:
Finally, clicking on one of the cook links will take you to a screen like the following:
Sharing Cooks on Twitter: Clicking on the "Share on Twitter" link will result in the following type of tweet to be posted on your Twitter account: Sharing Cooks on Facebook: Clicking on the "Share on Facebook" link will result in the following type of post to appear on your Facebook wall: Access to Raw Data: Clicking on the "Get the raw data" link will give you access to the raw data readings from your cook. It will look something like this: You can right click on this webpage and save the data as a .TXT file. If you rename it to a .CSV (comma separated variable) file, you can then open it in a spreadsheet to work with it: Once you have it in a spreadsheet, you can add some columns and get the data into a more usable format: In the above image, the original data provided by the Flame Boss is in the light blue columns. We then added some columns using the following formulae:
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