The TipTopTemp™ Temperature Controller

The Blower

Nope. No blower.

Installation Options

If you order the TipTopTemp™ model for the Big Green Egg, you get a 2-inch wide band of silicone that slips over the TipTopTemp™ base, and over the Big Green Egg's chimney. There are other attachment methods available for other cookers.

Audible Alarm and Alerts


Good Neighbor Feature

Nope again.

Visible Blower Feature

You can probably look at the position of the damper.

Power Interruption Feature

Nope. Well, actually, we'll take that "nope" back. The TipTopTemp™ does have a power interruption feature. Since it doesn't have power, power can't be interrupted. So if your power goes out, you can rest assured that the TipTopTemp™ will see you through, faithfully controlling your cooker.

Keep Warm Feature

Still nope.

Cold Smoking

The TipTopTemp™ website contains a chart that indicates if the outside air temperature is 50°F, the Tip Top Temp can keep your cooker as low as 106°F. This certainly would qualify for cold smoking if your cooker is air tight and capable of such low temperatures.

Learning Your Cooker

Well, the TipTopTemp™ certainly doesn't have a PID algorithm under software control, but the bi-metal coil reacts to the temperature of your cooker, so in a sense, maybe it does learn your cooker.

Open Lid Detect Feature


Built In Timer

Another nope.

Firmware Updates

Uh, nope, nope and nope.

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