Rate And Comment On Basque Sugar Maple
Lump Charcoal

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To Read Our Review
Basque Sugar Maple
Lump Charcoal
On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate Basque Sugar Maple Charcoal?
5 - Best Ever (258)
4 - Good Stuff (54)
3 - So So (13)
2 - Pretty Bad (9)
1 - Worst Ever (35)

369 votes    Score: 4.33/5.00

Make your choice above and then cast your vote by pressing the Submit Vote button below.

About Voting

  • Please don't try stuffing the ballot box. Voting is limited to one vote per brand per week. All voting is logged. We suggest that you vote after every bag of lump that you use. If a brand's quality is going up or down, this should eventually be reflected in their ratings.

  • Please do NOT vote if you manufacture, distribute, or sell this brand of charcoal, Also, please do not vote if you are a brand ambassador or have any financial interest in this brand of charcoal.

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    Lump Charcoal.

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