The Flame Boss 400/EGG Genius
BBQ Temperature Controllers

Web Page Features

There are two ways to monitor and control your Flame Boss 400 and EGG Genius controllers, via the web and via an App. You have already seen a little of what the App looks like in the previous section (and you'll see more in a following section), so let's take a look at the web interface.

The web interface can be found at We'll show you some of the basic features here, but feel free to go explore on your own. Even though you may not want to use the web interface as your main method, there are a few options/features that exist only in the web interface (such as disabling automatic firmware updates).

Basic Web Page Features: When you visit the My Flame Boss website, you will first be asked to log in. (If you don't have an account, the Login screen gives you the opportunity to create a new account.)

Upon logging in you are taken to the Home screen where you a presented with a list of all your controllers that are known to have been on your local network and those that are known to have been connected to the Flame Boss cloud. As you can see, we have three controllers called Wifi 300, Flame Boss 400 and EGG Genius.

Clicking on the cook for whichever controller you are using will take you to a Cook screen that looks like the following screen:

From this screen you can:

  • View the set, pit and meat temperatures.
  • Set the target pit temperature, the pit alarm temperature and the food alarm temperature.
  • View the fan output percentage.
  • View a graph of the various parameters over time.

Using the links along the bottom of the page, you can also:

  • Change your temperature units from °F to °C and back.
  • Edit the cook title and add notes.
  • Get the raw data shown in the graph.
  • Share your cook on Twitter and Facebook.

Clicking on the Cook History tab will show you a list of all your cooks. following screen:

Clicking on the Profile tab will take you to your profile page:

Here you can:

  • Turn on/off text alerts.
  • Set your temperature units to °F or °C.
  • Change your user name, your email, your mobile number to be used for text alerts, and your password.

For each of your controllers listed, you can also change settings and view cooks specific to that particular controller.

Clicking on the Settings link for a controller will show you the following screen:

Here you can view/set the following options specific to this controller:

  • Give your controller a name.
  • View its registration status.
  • View its current version.
  • Make your cooks default to private or public.
  • Turn on or off auto updates for the controller firmware.
  • View manuals and firmware release notes.
You can also access other pages where you can register your controller, change the WiFi network your controller should connect to, permit local access to your controller, reset your controller's PIN, and remove the controller from the Flame Boss servers.

Sharing Cooks on Twitter: Clicking on the "Share on Twitter" link will result in the following type of tweet to be posted on your Twitter account:

Sharing Cooks on Facebook: Clicking on the "Share on Facebook" link will result in the following type of post to appear on your Facebook wall:

Access to Raw Data: Clicking on the "Get the raw data" link will give you access to the raw data readings from your cook. It will look something like this:

You can right click on this webpage and save the data as a .TXT file. If you rename it to a .CSV (comma separated variable) file, you can then open it as a spreadsheet to work with it:

Once you have it in a spreadsheet, you can add some columns and get the data into a more usable format:

In the above image, the original data provided by the Flame Boss is in the light blue columns. We then added some columns using the following formulae:

  • "set_temp C" is calculated by dividing the "set_temp" column by 10. This is the set point temperature in °C.
  • "set_temp F" is calculated by multiplying the "set_temp C" column by 1.8 and adding 32. This is the set point temperature in °F.
  • You can do the same two calculations for each of the meat_temp columns.
  • "duty_cycle %"" is calculated by dividing the "duty_cycle" column by 10,000 and formatting it as a percentage.
Note that Flame Boss has made a few changes to the format of the data since we reviewed the Flame Boss 300:
  • The column that previously had been labeled "set_point" is now labeled "set_temp".
  • The "time" column used to contain only the time. Now it contains both time and date concatenated with a "-".
  • The time value used to be stated in your local time zone. Now it is stated as UTC.

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