Full and Official List of
Starbucks Free Speech Campaign Disclaimers

DISCLAIMER: The following list of disclaimers, while comprising the entire list of Official Starbucks Free Speech Campaign Disclaimers, should not be construed to be an exhaustive list and does not preclude the possibility of the addition of further disclaimers at a future time. Neither the Starbucks Free Speech Campaign, nor its officers or agents will be held responsible for the possible temporary omission of any disclaimers, including this disclaimer. The Starbucks Free Speech Campaing reserves the right to add at any time any required disclaimers with retroactive legal protection and effect.
  1. The existance of the Starbucks Free Speech Campaign Web Site is not intended to claim or imply that the Starbucks Corporation or any of its officers, employees or agents have at anytime in the past attempted to censor negative opinions of Starbucks "coffee" on the Internet. Rather, it has been their customers which have spouted their silliness, vitriol, stupidity and downright pathetic pin-headedness. The founders of the Starbucks Free Speech Campaign are confident that the Starbucks company and its officers, agents and employees are cheerful and avid proponents of the free exchange of the entire spectrum of opinions of Starbucks "coffee" on the Internet, and as such, we applaud them!

  2. The term "gag juice" is not intended to claim or imply that drinking Starbucks "coffee" will make you or anyone else gag. It is an expression of the personal opinion of the founders of the Starbucks Free Speech Campaign that Starbucks "coffee" tastes bad.

  3. The use of quotation marks around the word 'coffee' when used as a part of the phrase 'Starbucks "coffee"' is not intended to claim or imply that Starbucks "coffee" is not made from real coffee beans. It is an expression of the personal opinion of the founders of the Starbucks Free Speech Campaign that Starbucks "coffee" tastes so bad that it does not taste like coffee, and thus it is an misrepresentation to call it coffee.

  4. The references to Howard Schultz, president and CEO of Starbucks Coffee as "Howie" are not intended to claim or imply that the founders of the Starbucks Free Speech Campaign are on a first-name basis with Mr. Schultz. Rather, it is an expression of the fact that the founders of the Starbucks Free Speech Campaign disagree with the many public statements of Mr. Schultz and do not hold Mr. Schultz, his company or his company's products in very high esteem.

  5. The phrase "guaranteed to keep Starbucks employees busy for hours" in the Starbucks Word Game is not intended to nor should it be construed to be an actual legal and binding guarantee that it will indeed keep Starbucks employees busy for hours. If you have an actual need to keep a Starbucks employee busy for hours, please consult with their therapist or spiritual guide.

  6. The use of the word "crappucino" in the Starbucks Word Game is not intended to claim or imply that Starbucks Frappucino tastes like feces, either human, avian, mammal or any other member of the animal kingdom.

  7. "Frappucino" is a registered trademark of the Starbucks Corporation. We use it to refer to their product of the same name only because we don't know how else to refer to it without possibly misrepresenting the product of which it is the name. While we regret that Starbucks Corporation may not be pleased with the appearance of the name of their product in the Starbucks Word Game, we could find no other word that rhymed with "Crappucino".

  8. The Starbucks Word Game is not intended to claim or imply that the Starbucks Corporation created, endorsed, or is an any way connected to this clever game. Frankly, we wonder if any of their employees would be bright enough to craft such an intelligent, yet bitingly humorous piece of wordplay.

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