The Tao of Charcoal
Read the "Tao Tan Ching" of Lao Whiz Tzu and seek the way to enlightenment. (IE or Chrome required, no Netscape. Sorry....)

virtual tour of the Naked Whiz Publishing Empire
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the whizzeroo-q-guru
Read all about our low-cost alternative to those high-priced temperature controllers!

the whiz sez...
What will The Naked Whiz say this time??

how juicy is a spatchcock chicken
If this story doesn't tell you how juicy a spatchcock chicken is, then nothing will....

search for something good about kingsford
We'll help you search the web for something good about Kingsford briquettes.

what to tell the wife...
Is the little woman upset about the cost of a Big Green Egg? Here's our suggestion for winning her over!

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