Big Green Egg
Lump Charcoal (2021)       Home       Lump Review Index      

Quick Stats
Date Of Review: August, 2021
Purchased From: Ace Hardware
Date Purchased: July, 2021
Price: 27.99
Advertised Weight: 20 pounds
Type of Wood: Oak and Hickory
Strange Material: 1 small rock
Scrap Lumber: None
Smell: Mild oak/hickory smoke smell
Country of Origin: USA

Key Performance Indicators
Chips and Dust:
Max Temperature:
Burn Time:
Ash Production:

Quick Links
Other Information: Click Here
Statements From The Bag: Click Here
Lighting Instructions: Click Here
Safety Instructions: Click Here
Unusual Or Unique Statements: Click Here
Photos of Contents: Click Here
Other Photos: Click Here
Photo of UPC Code: Click Here
Contact Information: Click Here

Rate And Comment On This Charcoal: Click Here


It's been 14 years since we last reviewed Big Green Egg lump charcoal, so it's time for an update, don't you think? We have added more "tests" since then and have a much larger data base of charcoals to compare it to, so let's see how it does in 2021!

We notice that the bag no longer indicates that the charcoal is made by Royal Oak, but we have no reason to believe otherwise. It stills looks to be made from saw mill slabs, so there is quiet a bit of bark in the mix. We dumped the bag onto the ground for inspection and sorting. We found one small rock, but no other "funny stuff". We found no scrap, either. We did find a number of pieces of uncarbonized bark. You can see the distribution of sizes in the following table:

Large 2.5 pounds 12.2%
Medium 5.2 pounds 25.6%
Small 10.6 pounds 51.6%
Chips/Dust 2.2 pounds 10.6%

Total 20.5 pounds

In looking at the photo we took in 2007 of the overall contents of the bag and comparing it with this bag, we think they look pretty similar. (We didn't hand sort the contents of the bag in 2007, so we don't have the precise distribution.) In any event, by today's standards, the distribution of sizes is somewhat disappointing in that over 50% of the bag consisted of small pieces. Whereas we are not fans of monster logs, we like to see well over half of a bag to be large and medium pieces. The 10.6% by weight of chips and dust ranks Big Green Egg lump charcoal in the Average category compared to other brands.

We didn't measure the ease of lighting back in 2007, but this bag took 3.5 sheets of newspaper to get a good fire started in a chimney starter. This ranks as Low compared to all other brands. The smoke was a mild to moderate typical American hardwoods smoke. There was almost no sparking or popping during the lighting of the charcoal.

We also didn't test the maximum burn temperature back in 2007, so we now have another data point to add to the mix. This charcoal burned at 877°F which ranks it High compared to other brands. Again there was very little sparking or popping while the fire was building in the cooker or while it was burning at maximum temperature. The fire was somewhat slow to spread and it did take a while to reach its maximum temperature.

Two things that we did test back in 2007 were burn time and ash production. This charcoal's burn time was High compared to other brands. By 2007 standards the 2007 Big Green Egg lump charcoal burn time was High, but today it would have only been ranked Average. This charcoal burned about 12% longer than the 2007 charcoal which keeps it in the High range. When lighting with a MAP/Pro torch, there was very little sparking and popping, but as always, exercise caution when using any sort of torch to light lump charcoal.

Finally, the ash produced by this charcoal ranks Average compared to other brands.

So, 2021 Big Green Egg lump charcoal contains an average amount of chips and dust, but with a somewhat disappointing overall size distribution. It's relatively easy to light and burns at a pretty high temperature. The burn time is High, but the ash production is now Average. So with these added data points and with many more brands for comparison, we are slipping Big Green Egg lump charcoal down a notch to our Above Average rating.

To the left is the rating that our readers have given this charcoal. If you have used this charcoal and would like to rate it and leave your comments, Click Here

To view reader ratings of all brands, Click Here.

Other Information


Statements From The Bag

"Consistent Quality in Every Bag", "The Ultimate Cooking Experience®", "100% Natural Oak and Hickory Premium Lump Charcoal", "Made in USA", "Lights Fast Burns Clean"

"#1 Choice of Top Chefs Around the World", "The Secret Ingredient for the Unmatched Flavor of Food Cooked on an EGG!"

"Big Green Egg Natural Lump Charcoal is an ultra-premium, natural product made only from select oak and hickory hardwoods. Unlike some other popular charcoals and briquettes, this 100% natural product contains no fillers, nitrates, chemicals, coal, limestone, treated wood or petroleum products of any kind. Demand the best for your Big Green Egg — and for the Ultimate Cooking Experience! You will definitely taste the difference!"

Lighting Instructions

"Lighting instructions for the Big Green Egg
Fill firebox with charcoal. Open dome lid, metal top and lower draft door completely.

Place one or two Big Green Egg SpeediLight® Natural Charcoal Starters into the charcoal and light carefully. After approximately 10 minutes, or when several coals are burning, close the dome, leaving metal top and lower draft door opened. If using an electric charcoal starter to light the charcoal, bury the lighter into the charcoal for approximately seven minutes, according to manufacturer's directions, then remove the lighter and close the dome, leaving the top vent cap and lower draft door opened.

When the external temperature gauge indicates the desired cooking temperature, reduce the airflow by adjusting the top vent cap and the lower draft door.

For lighting instructions, recipes and more visit"

Safety Instructions


Unusual or Unique Statements


The Ruler Used In The Following Photographs

We use the following ruler in the photographs which follow. The black and white segments are
1 inch long. The upper scale is in inches, while the lower scale is in centimeters. The distance
between the centers of the two targets is precisely 9 inches.

Photos Of Contents

This photo is an overall view of the contents of the bag.

Here is a closer view.

Here are the larger pieces we found in the bag.

Here is a closeup of the small rock and some uncarbonized pieces of bark.

Here are the contents of the bag sorted into large, medium, small, and too small/chips/dust.

Other Photos


Photo of UPC Code

Contact Information

Big Green Egg
Corporate Headquarters
3786 DeKalb Technology Parkway
Atlanta, GA  30340

Phone: 800-793-2292


About This Review

If you are unfamiliar with our testing procedures, you may wish to read How We Review Lump Charcoal before reading this review. Also, you can read How We Score Lump Charcoal to learn about our scoring system.

Prices listed in our reviews are current as of the date of the review. We do not attempt to keep these prices current.

The conclusions and final rating given any charcoal are based upon the opinion of the author. We recommend that you use our rating only as a guide. You should read the entire review and decide what is important to you in making any buying decision.

Performance ratings are designated with stars, 1 star being the worst and 5 stars being the best:

= Performance is Far Below Average
= Performance is Below Average
= Performance is Average
= Performance is Above Average
= Performance is Far Above Average

Images which can be viewed at a larger size have a small magnifying glass icon at the bottom right corner. Click on the icon to display the image in a new larger window. If you wish to ensure that you are seeing photographs the same way that we are seeing them, we recommend that you calibrate your monitor to a PC-normal gamma of 2.2. You should be able to see the difference between blocks A, B and C below, as well as the difference between blocks 3, 4 and 5.


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