The Combustion
Predictive Thermometer Set

Cooking With The Predictive Thermometer Probe

Beef Eye Of Round: To examine cooking with the probe and how it predicts the finish time, we cooked a 2.5 pound Beef Eye of Round. The probe was inserted up to the ceramic handle. One thing you have to realize is that even though the Predictive Thermometer can deduce the core temperature by comparing the readings from all of the sensors, you still have to have a sensor reasonably close to he core for the probe to sense. Therefore, you need to be sure to insert the probe at least to the point where the tip of the probe is in the core. Better to insert it too far than not far enough.

We picked a finishing temperature of 130°F for the cook. There isn't much to talk about in the cooking of an Eye of Round. The temperature rose fairly constantly until we were notified that the meat had reached the target. Here's what the meat looked like when we sliced into it.

That looks perfect! So how did the App handle predicting the finish time? This table shows how the App predicted the finish time, with entries taken at significant points in the cook:

Remaining Time
Finish Time
130°01:09:35Cook Complete

Here's how the Predictive Thermometer App handled the cook: So, how does this compare with other thermometers? Our experience with the MEATER and MeatStick products is that their initial prediction is about at the same point in the cook, but their initial predictions are wildly incorrect. You still have to wait a longer period of time before their algorithms close in on an accurate prediction.

Baked Potato: We decided to bake some potatoes using the Combustion probe. It's a quick and easy cook and should be an informative experience. Goodness, was it! As you can see in the following photo, even though we inserted the probes all the way into the potatoes, the potatoes weren't having any of it and forced the probes out. On the bottom potato you can see the probe was squeezed out all the way to the minimum insertion line. This exposed some of the food sensors to almost 400°F temperatures. The Display's display turned red and started beeping at us! If you do choose to use one of these probes, Combustion or otherwise, you would be well advised to keep an eye on the probe and push it back in if necessary to avoid damaging the probe.

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